Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Astro Boy Movie in 3D

There have been some rumblings about this in the past, but now we know that it's true. The Astro Boy movie will be released in 3D!

If you have the special glasses, you can watch a trailer on YouTube. Notice the "Coming Soon in 3D" text that sets this trailer apart from previous ones.

You can read more about the 3D version of Astro Boy here and download the trailer for yourself (3D video player required). Informatuion about 3D Blu Ray home theaters can be found here. Big time thanks to Lisa Sapphire for sending me these links!


  1. Maybe if they had done this in the first place, the film would've done better on the initial cinema release

  2. have they released the japanese version on dvd?

  3. yeah they have, i brought mine from about a month ago. it sounds sweeeet. however the subtitles are the same of the english, so i don't know the differences are in script (sometimes they speaks and there's no subtitles ;o;)

  4. Well, assuming the 3D Blu-ray will also include the 2D version, that means I'll be forced to have two very similar copies of the same movie. ;_;

    Now if they were to release this 3D version in Japan, and included all of the extras from the Special Edition DVD... I'd buy that happily. Speaking of which, I hope they don't "force" Japanese subtitles when watching it in English, do they?

  5. Nah you can remove the subtitles if you want relax, it's English and Japanese friendly.

    And I doubt they'd have the extras for the 3D one, although it would be cool some added stuff on there.

    To think, if the movie had been in 3D to begin with it would've done insanely well

  6. Well, it would have made more money simply because 3D ticket prices are higher. But Astro came out before Avatar, and Avatar is really the film that made the general populous excited about seeing 3D movies (and paying the extra money for the privilege). So it's hard to say if it would have made a big difference or not. I'm excited to see the 3D version some day if I ever get the chance.



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