Saturday, October 23, 2010

One Year Ago.

Hard to believe, but today, October 23rd, marks the 1 year anniversary of the release in the Astro Boy movie. Time flies, huh?

Clearly, the theatrical release of this movie didn't exactly set the box office on fire, but I know for a fact that the film has won people over and built up a respectable fanbase in the time since. It's a good film, and it's a shame that so many people missed out on it at first. But now, thanks in good part to the release of the Astro Boy movie, many more people have become familiar with the character and his story, and the works of Osamu Tezuka continue to flourish around the world. No matter what the numbers say, I count that as a win.

I think this movie holds up pretty well to repeat viewings. There are a lot of fun Easter-eggs and Tezuka-esque gags throughout the movie that you might have missed the first time. So, take some time out at some point this weekend and watch the Astro Boy movie again, then post a comment below and talk about your experience. Get your friends and family involved too. If you haven't seen it in awhile, I think you might like it even better now than you did when you first saw it. And if you've never seen it, there is no better time than right now to give it a chance and see what this future cult classic is all about.


  1. When I first heard of Astro Boy it was from the short teaser trailer Imagi released. I have to admit I saw that and wasn't all interested, that is until I saw the second trailer released a couple months later. I can't recall what it was, but the story about a robot in the form of a boy interested me. What made me really laugh was the fact I mistook Dr. Tenma as a character designed after Nick Cage. It was the nose, too alike *laughs*.

    By the time I finally did see the movie I was blown away by it all. It story was moving and emotional for me, Toby's death made tears form in my eyes as did other points when Astro sacrificed himself for his friends and everyone. How they handled the scenes with Astro being Toby's copy were very well done as well and how their personalities were each unique

    I also enjoyed the scenes on the surface of the earth where Astro meets Cora and the gang, and how he’s afraid to tell him he’s a robot from the fear of being rejected it. Not only that, but the humor cracked me up at several points (The window wipers on Astro's face, hah!).

    To be honest Astro Boy is one of the few films I’ve loved watching again and again. I didn’t know about the series when I saw the movie, so if it hadn’t been for that I wouldn’t be a fan right now (and boy am I fan, I even brought the limited edition box set of the movie in Japan, it’s shiny XD film comic, novel, game, yep I got them lol). Sure, I’d of liked a darker plot and someone like Atlas or Pluto in there, but I love the film with all my heart and I hope someday there’s a sequel because it’d be so captivating. ^_^

  2. I love this movie. I just do. I enjoyed it as much as any Pixar film. It's epic and funny and achingly human, like Astro himself. It's a damn shame it didn't reach the audience it deserved. But time will tell. I think it's another Iron Giant, and I think that eventually it will get its due.

  3. Hah, I was thinking the same thing with Astro Boy on the Iron Giant too!

  4. Ugh, comparing this to Iron Giant makes it look really bad in my opinion...

    I'll always have respect for it for being an Hollywood movie based on anime that is actually average. And Astro's so darn cute. But I think it's impossible not to be distracted by all the things wrong with it, mainly the new characters that look like generic American TV cartoons, the unfunny comic-relief characters, and the ending where every little problem in the world is neatly resolved.

  5. Rik
    I truely feel enlightened by this film. And I've watched it half a dozen times on cable and I own the DVD. And now I can hardly wait for the 3D version so I can buy that!

  6. This movie made me literally vomit I thought it was so bad.

    I'm not kidding. Once it was over I vomitted. All night. I caught Gastroentiritis.

    That aside, I felt like it was a real disservice to the character and had NOTHING to do with Astro...


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