Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tezuka's "The Book of Human Insects" Licensed

Those awesome cats at Vertical Publishing strike again, this time from way out of left field, with another in their line of superb Osamu Tezuka manga licenses. At the New York Comic Con this past weekend, it was announced that "The Book of Human Insects", also known as "Human Metamorphosis", will be released in English on July 26, 2011. It will be a hardcover containing the entire 360 page story and retail for $22.99.

Here's what TezukaOsamu.net has to say about the title.
"Human Metamorphosis," a satirical Manga depicting human society compared to the insect world, focuses on the life of a devious woman. Tomura Toshiko, who is said to be a genius, is a rising star writer. Her novel wins the Akutagawa Prize for the best novel of the year. While she attends the award ceremony, another woman named Usuba Kageri commits suicide in another place. It turns out that Kageri and Toshiko used to live together, and the awarded novel was copied from Kageri's transcript. Toshiko is like a parasite: approaching talented people one after another, squeezing everything out of them and stealing their works for her own fame. Behind her success story, she has her secrets.
Look forward to this unique manga release next year!

Source: AniGamers

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