Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Osamu Tezuka's Notebooks to Be Published

In the 1990's, 75 notebooks were discovered in the home of Osamu Tezuka. Within these books were sketches and early concepts for stories including Tetsuwan Atomu, Jungle Emperor, and others published between 1948 to 1959. Aside from occasional displays of selected excerpts, the material in these books has not been available to the public.

But all that changes in December! Shogakukan Creative has announced the publication of "Tezuka Osamu Sōsaku Note to Shoki Sakuhin-Shū", a collection of material taken from pages of 10 of these 75 notebooks. It will be released in Japan on December 24th.

For Tezuka fans, this is a huge announcement. It's a rare glimpse into the creative process of a cultural icon. I'll be keeping an eye on how this turns out.

Source: Anime News Network

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